Memoir Summary

This memoir is an intellectual journey. It is based in the fundamental middle-American values and opinions, good and bad, of the "happy Days" of the Fifties. These values and opinions are dragged kicking and screaming through a rich and varied set of experiences as a young man is, amazingly, nurtured and tolerated by a usually hidebound Navy. The journey ends with summaries about Russia, US Military Policy and Strategy and the prospects for social and political turmoil in America. Steve F. Kime, a retired Navy Captain, is not a cookie-cutter product of a military academy. His unusual career led him from his roots in Indiana to submarine duty, a doctorate at Harvard, service in Russia during treaty negotiations and the shootdown of an airliner, and responsibilities in strategy, intelligence and higher education. His was a politico-military coming of age. He pulls no punches in relating his mid-America upbringing and the experiences of his unusual career to current social, political and military issues.

Steve F. Kime
Steve F. Kime
Individual's Full Name
Steve F. Kime
Service History & Demographics

Service History & Demographics

Service: USN
Rank: Captain
Military Status: Active Duty
World War I
20th Century