Alan Rems, a retired CPA, has been a regular contributor to Naval History magazine since his first writing effort that earned the U.S. Naval Institute�s 2008 Author of the Year award. He lives with his wife, a retired newspaper managing editor, in Centreville, Virginia.

Articles by Alan Rems

National Archives

The Army's Navy

By Alan P. Rems
February 2018
Army amphibian units gave MacArthur a personal fleet of gators that helped him return to the Philippines.
U.S. Naval Institute Photo Archive

Flawed Victory at Sea

By Alan Rems
October 2017
On 23 October 1944, three days after General Douglas MacArthur’s forces landed on Leyte Island in the Philippines, the Japanese navy emerged to fight. Awaiting them in the waters east ...

Out of the Jaws of Victory

By Alan Rems
April 2022
Like a character in classical tragedy, blessed by the gods with nearly every advantage, Miles Browning also possessed fatal flaws that ultimately brought him down.
National Archives

Out of the Jaws of Victory

By Alan Rems
April 2016
When Thomas Heggen penned his 1946 novel Mister Roberts, he peopled his fictional World War II vessel with the types of characters he knew in the service. Particularly memorable ...
Naval History and Heritage Command

At War with the Army

By Alan Rems
January 2012
Sometimes you have to remind yourself who the enemy is—witness the often intense interservice frictions of the Pacific war.
Robert Fulton

Man of War

By Alan Rems
July 2011
A protean force of multiple talents and diverse passions, Robert Fulton was ahead of his time in terms of warship technology.
Nimitz Painting by Albert Murray

Missouri Endgame

By Alan P. Rems
August 2010
The top American naval officers assembled at the 1945 Japanese surrender formed an iconic tableau; they also constituted a study in contrasts.
3d Marine Division riflemen

Letters to Iwo Jima

By Alan P. Rems
February 2009
The heroism and sacrifice of 3d Division Marines, as well as their families anguish, are revealed in letters to and from Major General Graves Erskine.
national archives

'Halsey Knows the Straight Story'

By Alan P. Rems
August 2008
In just over a year after its founding in 1942, the I Marine Amphibious Corps had five commanders, including Major General Charles D. Barrett, who died under mysterious circumstances.

Books by Alan Rems