The Challenge

Identify individual women and their contributions that have made it possible for the United States to build and maintain the world’s finest military.

The Essay Contest is aligned with the 2016 Naval History Conference and its theme — “The Athena Conference: Heroines Past, Present, and Future.”

This is an historic opportunity to take a broad look at women in the military and how it started; where they are and where they are going; and the growing recognition of their capabilities.

$5,000 First Prize
$2,500 Second Prize
$1,500 Third Prize

(All winners will receive one-year membership in the U.S. Naval Institute and a one-year subscription to Naval History magazine.)

Deadline: 31 July 2016

Winners will be recognized at the Naval History Conference, U.S. Naval Academy, 8-9 September 2016. The winning essay will be published in the November/December Naval History

Selected Submissions

First Prize
Lieutenant Andrea N. Goldstein, U.S. Navy Reserve
Second Prize
Lieutenant Commander Benjamin Drew, Medical Corps, U.S. Navy
Third Prize
Lieutenant Joshua N. Duran, U.S. Navy
Remembering Ms. Aggie
Sponsored by
The William M. Wood Foundation

Previous Winners