The Defense of Our Naval Stations

By Captain Dion Williams
April 1902
Four years ago the territory of the United States was entirely contained in the continental limits of North America. The ships of our fleet were tied to our home ports ...

Professional Notes

April 1902
For convenience of reference these notes are arranged as follows: Notes on ships of war, budgets, and personnel, the notes appearing under the head of the naval power to which ...


April 1902
NOTICE.The U. S. Naval Institute was established in 1873, having for its object the advancement of professional and scientific knowledge in the Navy. It now enters upon its twenty-eighth ...

Officers of the Institute

April 1902
President. Vice-President.Commander RICHARD WAINWRIGHT, U. S. Navy. Secretary and Treasurer.Lieutenant E. L. BEACH, U. S. Navy. Board of Control.Commander C. E. COLAHAN, U. S. Navy.Lieutenant-Commander J. P ...

Bibliographic Notes

April 1902
[American.]ARMY AND NAVY JOURNAL.March 8, 1902. Military Cycling in England. Temperance in the Army. Plain Talk on an Urgent Question. Weak Spots in England’s Navy. Staff Consolidation Bill ...

Book Notices

April 1902
“The Life of John Ancrum Winslow, Rear-Admiral, United States Navy”* is a most valuable contribution to the naval as well as to the general history of our country. The distinguished ...

The School of the Officer

By Lieutenant-Commander John Hood
April 1902
It is reported that on one occasion the great Napoleon in answering one of his officers, who was attempting to excuse himself for the poor work of his command by ...

Discussion: The Training-Ship

April 1902
Captain F. E. Chadwick, U. S. Navy.—It has been a pleasure to read Lieutenant Beach's excellent and thoughtful article. I cordially agree with his views; that is, that there should ...

McCormick's Navigating Protractor

By Lieut. Charles M. McCormick
April 1902
The protractor consists of three concentric rings, each of which has movement in azimuth with regard to the other, and each has a diameter subtended by a wire so that ...

The Seymour Relief Expedition

By Lieutenant Daniel W. Wurtsbaugh
April 1902
The Flagship Newark arrived off the Taku Lightship on the forenoon of Sunday, May 27, 1900. We found two Chinese cruisers at anchor, one flying the flag of the Chinese ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

Digital Proceedings content made possible by a gift from CAPT Roger Ekman, USN (Ret.)