Watchful Gideon

By Richard West
August 1936
“Sans peur et sans reproche”THE Longfellow coiffure of Gideon Welles, uniquely magnificent even in Civil War days, furnished jokesters with a variety of nicknames for Lincoln’s 59-year-old Secretary of ...

The Navy Material Inspection Service

By Lieutenant Commander G. C. Manning (C.C.), U. S. Navy
August 1936
The United States Navy has many activities, most of which are known to a certain extent by the civil population of the country and much more completely understood by the ...

Professional Notes

August 1936
UNITED STATESPhilippine DefenseHerald Tribune, New York, May 30.—Plans to make the Philippine Islands “invasion proof” with a fleet of small, high-speed fighting craft and a relatively large but fast-moving army ...

Book Reviews

August 1936
BOOK DEPARTMENTMembers of the Institute, both regular and associate, may save money by ordering books through its Book Department, which will supply any obtainable book. A discount of 10 per ...

Notes on International Affairs

Prepared by Professor Allan Westcott, U.S. Naval Academy
August 1936
FROM JUNE 3 TO JULY 3ITALY AND THE LEAGUEEnd of Sanctions. —Long before the close of June it became clear that the League sanctions against Italy would be lifted at ...

Uniform Jig for Jersey

By Lieutenant Commander Philip P. Welch, U. S. Navy
August 1936
HEAVING out at the mystic hour of zero zero zero one to shift berth one morning, I drew over my head my regulation jersey, vintage of 1918, foregoing white shirt ...

A High Standard of Skill

By Alan Cornwall Smith
August 1936
During the early part of 1914 a number of yachtsmen from New York, Boston, and other eastern ports formed an organization the purpose of which was to be, as its ...

The Eruption of Krakatoa

By Commander J. E. Pond, U. S. Navy (Retired)
August 1936
As Seen from a Sailing Vessel in the Vicinity22nd August 1883. Latde. 15-30 Long. 105 E.About 7 PM, the sea suddenly assumed a milky white appearance, beginning to the East ...

Picnic with Cushing

By Lieutenant Commander Glenn Howell, U. S. Navy (Retired)
August 1936
In September, 1863, Lieutenant William B. Cushing took command of the U.S.S. Monticello. This officer still lacked a few months of his twenty-first birthday, but his daring exploits had caused ...

The Naval Finance and Supply School

By Rear Admiral David Potter (S.C.), U. S. Navy
August 1936
IF THE NUMBER of officers of my acquaintance who have asked questions about the Naval Finance and Supply School fairly represents a cross-section of the service, then there exists a ...

Dies Irae

By Lieutenant Commander J. L. Seligman, U. S. Naval Reserve
August 1936
UPON THE prompt and efficient supply of the sinews of war depends the success of any major effort of the fighting forces of our country. It is not enough to ...

Why Guam Alone Is American

By Lieutenant Frederick J. Nelson, U. S. Navy
August 1936
ONE OF THE most vulnerable possessions of the United States is the Island of Guam. For almost a quarter of a century this picturesque tropical island, situated about 3,300 miles ...

Three Simple Navigational Nomograms

By H. R. Grummann, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, Washington University Engineering School
August 1936
The purpose of this paper is twofold: (1) to make some remarks concerning the relative value of algebra and arithmetic for the practical navigator, and (2) to submit three navigational ...

Selection By Merit

By Lieutenant Commander Lincoln Lothrop, U. S. Naval Reserve
August 1936
CRITICISMS of present methods are dangerously prevalent.—Bitter criticism of present selection methods for promotion in the Navy is widespread throughout the service. Continuance of the method now in use will ...

Selection and Morale

By Commander Francis S. Craven, U. S. Navy
August 1936
This article is premised upon certain beliefs which it seems well to state at the outset, namely: that promotion by selection is necessary to bring the Navy to maximum efficiency ...

The U.S. Naval Institute is a private, self-supporting, not-for-profit professional society that publishes Proceedings as part of the open forum it maintains for the Sea Services. The Naval Institute is not an agency of the U.S. government; the opinions expressed in these pages are the personal views of the authors.

Digital Proceedings content made possible by a gift from CAPT Roger Ekman, USN (Ret.)