Joining the Navy in December, 1941, on a minority enlistment, Chief Journalist Le Barron advanced to aviation metalsmith, first class, in 1944. He was assigned to flight training in 1945 and completed pre-flight and primary and basic instrument phases before his discharge from the Navy in 1947. He re-enlisted that year, changed his rating to journalist in 1949, and became a Chief Journalist in August, 1954. At present he is serving in the Flag Allowance of Commander, Hunter Killer Force, U. S. Atlantic Fleet.

His essay, “The Career Man,” won the award of $200, and the Naval Institute Silver Medal, as well as Honorable Mention in the 1954 Enlisted Prize Essay Contest.

Articles by Jack T. Le Barron

The Career Man

By Chief Journalist Jack T. Le Barron, U. S. Navy
January 1955
Honorable Mention, Enlisted Prize Essay Contest 1954