Italian Battleships

"'Conte di Cavour' and 'Duiio' Classes, 1911-1956"

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Originally comprising five ships in two related classes, Conte di Cavour and Duilio classes entered service at the beginning of the Great War. As designed, they were powerful examples of the second generation of dreadnoughts, with a combination of twin and triple turrets producing a unique main armament of thirteen 12-inch guns. 

This book covers all the technical details of the ships, both as built and as re-built, but also provides an extended history of their active service, including battle plans and track charts.

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Editorial Reviews

Italian Battleships is detailed, technical, and effectively translated into conversational English. Readers will be rewarded with a very interesting explanation of Italian naval headaches during World War II. This book is educational, entertaining and therefore a must for naval history buffs.” —Nautical Research Journal