
Letters from the Volga

Softcover $3.99
Book: Cover Type


Stalingrad. From August 1942 to February 1943 this model industrial city, bathed by the waters of the Volga, was home to the bloodiest battle of World War II. Stalingrad: Letters from the Volga offers a fast-paced depiction of this titanic struggle: explicit, crude, and without concessions--just as the war and the memory of all those involved demands.

The battle rendered devastating results. Almost two million human beings were marked forever in its crosshairs, a frightening figure comprised of the dead, injured, sick, captured, and missing. Military and civilians alike paid with their lives for the personal fight between Stalin and Hitler, which materialized in long months of primitive conflict among the smoking ruins of Stalingrad and its surroundings.

Stalingrad: Letters from the Volga
presents the battle, beginning to end, through the eyes of Russian and German soldiers. Take a chronological tour of the massacre, relive the fights, and feel the drama of trying to survive in a relentless hell of ice and snow.

About the Author

Editorial Reviews

“This relentless account provides a devastatingly grim vision of a pivotal WWII battle.” —Publishers Weekly
“The authors provide a unique walk through the battle of Stalingrad, the bloodiest urban battle fought by two major armies in history.... The book is unusual in that the authors use drawings to guide the reader through the experience and provide a sense of immediacy within the conflict as well. They provide an innovative way to provide immersion for the reader similar to a film or an animated tale. The experience is a powerful one and I highly recommend acquiring the book and immersing yourself in the experience.”
“A very well written and super informative wall of text…. This gets my vote to check out, especially if you are a World War II buff…. A fascinating (and depressing) window into what happened at Stalingrad.” —Sequential Tart
“Immersed in black, Stalingrad’s book design asserts a heaviness that puts you in the right state of mind for this story. Gil and Ortega’s account is extremely well-researched. Each chapter begins with a page of text, providing context for the fighting ahead…. What this book does well is get across how sudden death can be. Stalingrad has a notorious reputation, but it takes a graphic novel like Gil and Ortega’s to understand what the conditions were like and to let it sink in in a way that reverberates.” —
“Whether illuminating anguished faces in cellar hideouts or pieces of bodies strewn in the snow, Gil’s illustrations are as mesmerizing as they are devastating…. Antonio Gil and Daniel Ortega have created a sobering exploration of ... depravity and despair in these pages that remind the reader how easily we are pitted against each other and how fragile human civilization is.” —Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics